Long-Range Scanning Solutions at CADmore

CADmore's long-range scanning service specializes in capturing extensive areas and structures, from industrial plants to large-scale buildings. Utilizing advanced 3D laser scanning technology, we deliver accurate and detailed digital representations, aiding in renovation, construction management, and facility planning.


Here’s all the good stuff

Risk Reduction

Risk Reduction

Minimize construction errors and unforeseen costs with precise pre-build scans. Detailed scans help identify potential issues before they impact the budget and schedule.

Project Efficiency

Project Efficiency

Streamline project timelines and resource allocation with accurate site data. Early and precise scans prevent delays, enhancing overall project execution.

Asset Documentation

Asset Documentation

Securely archive and manage property data for insurance and valuation purposes. Accurate digital records support asset management and facilitate future transactions.

Asset Validation

Design Validation

Ensure architectural designs align perfectly with existing site conditions, avoiding costly modifications. Long-range scans facilitate precise alignment with planned designs, ensuring project success.



Industry-Specific Long-Range Scanning Applications and Benefits

Long-range scanning serves diverse industries by providing detailed spatial data, enhancing project planning, execution, and management. This technology ensures precision, efficiency, and preservation across sectors, from construction to telecommunications.



In construction, long-range scanning aids in accurate site assessment and volume calculations, ensuring projects are built to specification and identifying potential issues before they arise, reducing time and costs.

Real Estate

Real Estate

Real estate benefits from long-range scanning by providing detailed property overviews for listings, virtual tours, and precise measurements, enhancing buyer engagement and property valuation accuracy.



In manufacturing, long-range scanning supports facility layout planning, machinery installation, and space optimization, ensuring efficient use of manufacturing spaces and streamlined production processes.



The energy sector utilizes long-range scanning for infrastructure mapping, maintenance planning, and monitoring of power plants and renewable energy sites, enhancing safety and operational efficiency.



Educational institutions leverage long-range scanning for campus planning, emergency management, and creating virtual tours, enriching the student experience and improving campus safety and navigation.



Healthcare facilities use long-range scanning for space management, renovation planning, and ensuring compliance with health and safety regulations, leading to more efficient patient care environments.



Infrastructure projects benefit from long-range scanning through detailed analysis of roads, bridges, and public transport systems, aiding in maintenance, expansion planning, and safety assessments.



Telecommunications firms use long-range scanning for site planning, tower installations, and maintenance, ensuring optimal placement and functioning of communication networks and equipment.


Need clarification?

What does building scanning cost?

Building scanning starts at $0.20 per square foot. The final price will depend on the building's size and complexity.

Where is CADmore located?

CADmore is based in Columbia, SC, offering nationwide scanning services to accommodate projects in any location across the United States.

How long does building scanning take?

Building scanning is generally scheduled within a week of project submission, providing timely and efficient service to meet project deadlines.

What are the scanning service deliverables?

Deliverables include a year of hosting services, a 3D virtual tour with a dollhouse view, guided/autoplay tours, branded and unbranded links for MLS compliance, up to 15 Mattertags to showcase features, and a website embed code for easy integration.


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