Reduce product development time by 33% with CADmore

Written by Davis Latham | Nov 28, 2023 8:31:43 PM

Accelerating Product Development: ZShields with ZVerse


In the throes of the COVID-19 pandemic, CADmore's On-Demand Design service emerged as a game-changer in the product development arena. Collaborating with ZVerse, CADmore played a pivotal role in the expedited creation of the innovative ZShield™ PPE. This case study delves into the strategies and technologies that CADmore employed, culminating in a remarkable 33% reduction in development time. It's a tale of adaptability, cutting-edge digital manufacturing, and a response to a global crisis that redefined the standards of product development efficiency.

Responding to a Global Crisis with Speed and Innovation

As the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, CADmore's established reputation for fast and reliable product development positioned the company to respond effectively to the urgent need for PPE. The company quickly mobilized its resources, including its designers and engineers. The collaboration with talented designer Scott Henderson led to the rapid development of the ZShield by ZVerse PPE, a critical response to the immediate demands of hospitals and government agencies.

The CADmore On-Demand Design Process

The development of ZShield was a testament to CADmore's efficient and agile design process and the vision of the ZVerse team. Understanding the user requirements for PPE was pivotal, leading to the innovation of a neck-mounted shield model suitable for low-risk environments. This product catered to service workers and public sector employees requiring unobstructed visibility and face exposure. The process exemplified a successful blend of user-centric design and rapid prototyping.

“The design process behind ZShield Flex was design as it should be,” Henderson said. “Each morning ideas were discussed and the remaining daylight was spent modeling a new 3D CAD that we would then 3D print overnight to be ready by the following morning.”

Leveraging Digital Manufacturing for Faster Turnaround

CADmore's use of digital manufacturing tools, particularly 3D printing, was a key factor in reducing product development time. This additive manufacturing technique enabled quick iterations and prototyping, allowing for immediate testing and refinement. The collaborative and iterative design process, coupled with the speed of 3D printing, significantly accelerated the development cycle, culminating in a market launch in just four months.

Global Recognition and Impact

The market impact of ZShield was profound, garnering attention from various media outlets and celebrities. The product's success was not only in its widespread adoption but also in its accolades, including multiple design awards. CADmore's ability to scale production and meet high demand exemplifies the company's capacity to deliver innovative solutions rapidly and efficiently.


CADmore's case study with ZShield by ZVerse during the COVID-19 pandemic underscores the company's strength in on-demand design and digital manufacturing. By reducing product development time by 33%, CADmore demonstrated the potential of agile and responsive design in meeting urgent market needs and setting new trends in product innovation.