Transforming Ideas into Reality with Expert Design Services

CADmore offers a comprehensive range of services including 3D Printing, Reverse Engineering, Product Development, and more. With a proven track record in diverse industries, we deliver quality and speed, ensuring your satisfaction. Start a project with us and experience the CADmore difference!

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Transformative Solutions: Customer Experiences

  • Reverse Engineering

  • Molding Optimization

  • Digitization / 2D to 3D

  • Equipment Modernization

  • Product Development

Bringing Extinct Components Back to Life

Our client faced a major roadblock when a key manufacturer shut down, rendering the supply of critical parts non-existent. We stepped in to scan and reverse engineer the indispensable parts, making necessary modifications and improvements. This strategic intervention not only reinstated the disrupted supply chain but also enhanced the part quality, ensuring the client's operations resumed seamlessly with better performing components at their disposal.

Transitioning from 3D Printing to Injection Molding

A client approached us with a part initially made through 3D printing but required redesigning to suit injection molding processes. We meticulously redesigned the part to ensure a flawless transition to injection molding. This timely redesign significantly brought down production costs, and maximized the return on investment for the client, proving the prowess of optimizing designs for different manufacturing processes.

Bridging 2D Drawings to 3D Models for Modern Manufacturing

Encumbered with numerous legacy 2D drawings, a company struggled to step into the realm of modern manufacturing due to the lack of 3D files. We converted the 2D drawings into precise 3D models, paving the way for contemporary manufacturing techniques. This pivotal transition not only accelerated the production timelines but also amplified the output quality, ushering the client into the era of modern manufacturing efficiency.

Revitalizing Old Equipment for Modern Manufacturing

Faced with an equipment failure and no original team or schematics for reference, a broken part posed a substantial hurdle. We scanned and reverse engineered the broken part, aligning it with modern manufacturing standards. This innovative resolution revitalized the old equipment, extending its operational lifespan and ensuring the client’s operations remained on track without any major disruptions.

Transforming Sketches into Formal Documentation

A customer came to us with a novel product idea, armed only with rudimentary sketches and no formal documentation or design files. We aided in developing comprehensive formal documentation and design files from the initial sketches, providing a robust foundation for the product development journey. This crucial service expedited the transition from a mere concept to a market-ready product, providing a clear roadmap and significantly reducing the time to market.


Services Overview

Product Development-2

Product Development

Full-scale product design and development, from concept to production, for various industries.


Reverse Engineering / Scanning

Analyze and recreate existing physical objects or components for improvements, modifications, or reproductions.

Electrical Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Comprehensive electrical design and analysis services for industrial applications, consumer electronics, and more.

Injection Molding

Injection Mold Design

Custom injection mold designs for the plastics and consumer goods manufacturing sectors.

3D Printing

3D Printing Design

Create prototypes, parts, and models using advanced 3D printing techniques for diverse applications.

2D to 3D

2D to 3D Conversion

Transform 2D drawings into accurate 3D models for architectural, engineering, and entertainment purposes.


Animations and Renderings

Stunning visual animations and renderings for advertising, real estate, and entertainment.



In-depth simulations for structural analysis in civil engineering, aerospace, and manufacturing.


Engineering Excellence Across Industries

Partner with our expert design and engineering team to turn initial concepts into optimized solutions. We specialize in diverse sectors, ensuring your project benefits from industry-specific expertise.



Our design services are essential for prototyping and testing aircraft components in the aerospace sector. We have a proven track record in developing advanced parts tailored to this industry.



Our Product Development and Injection Mold Design services are key for the automotive industry, aiding in the creation of high-quality, durable parts. Reverse Engineering helps optimize existing components for enhanced performance.



Medical clients rely on our design and engineering services for developing cutting-edge medical devices and equipment. Our Simulations are particularly useful for testing new medical technologies.


Marketing and Advertising

In the marketing and advertising sector, our Animations and Renderings bring campaigns to life. Our design and engineering capabilities can also be used for creating promotional materials and prototypes for client pitches.


Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the project process?

There is a seamless journey from idea submission to final CAD file delivery with our efficient 6-step process. Our expert design team collaborates with you through every stage, ensuring timely communication and high-quality results. For more details, visit our Process Page.

What is typical project pricing?

We quote every project individually based on your needs. Because of this, there is no set pricing. With that said, we have worked to put together a basic guide for what you can expect. These are typical prices within +/- 1 standard deviation

Standard Projects:

  • Quotes for 2D conversions are typically in the $150-$300
  • Simpler projects with clear dimensions are typically $250-$800.
  • Development from a sketch is typically $500-$2,000
  • Optimization for molding / STL to STEP is typically $300-$800

Product development:

  • $1,500-$3,000 for simpler parts
  • $3,000-$8,000 for standard products
  • $8,000-$15,000 for complex products
  • +$6,000-$9,000 for most electrical

Reverse engineering/scanning is typically:

  • $300-$800/part for 3D printing
  • $800-$1,500/part for injection molding / CNC.


Do you offer any guarantees or warranties?

We won’t take on a project we aren’t confident in. With CADmore, you can count on our team to work with you to complete the project based on the information you submit.

What software and technologies do you use?

We are willing to work with any customer's specific needs. CADmore has access to top industry software, including Solidworks, Siemens NX, Inventor, and more.

How do you handle project confidentiality?

All projects are by default confidential. CADmore takes client privacy extremely seriously and is happy to execute NDAs for anyone with specific privacy concerns.

What are your payment terms?

We require payment upfront to allocate the necessary resources and prioritize your project effectively. This ensures a committed partnership from the start, allowing us to focus on delivering high-quality results within the agreed timeframe.


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